torsdag 3. mai 2012

Poem about tony


Write a poem about either Tony or Leon in “Tony’s Story”.

Give your poem a suitable title.

Tony the brave one


Brave, Curious, Legend, witch warrior.

Son of his father, the wise one.
Brother to koala, the cosy one.
Son of a lady somewhere downtown, no one really knows…

Loves being at home.
Likes being without dangerous creatures.
Likes his friend Leon

He feels fear 24/7
He feels frightened by scary dreams.
He feels that he needs to kill someone after dreaming weird things.

Who needs a helping hand
A personal mental trainer
To live without fear

He fear cops
He fear demons
He fear witches

He gives away his protecting shield
Along with an arrowhead
And a bullet

He wishes how it is being free
He wishes to see the cop dead
He wishes his family to be safe

He’s a part of an indigenous group
He’ll keep on living in his own house until he dies


søndag 15. april 2012

30 rock questions

A ) Why do you think I wanted you to watch this episode?
B) Is using humour a good way to approach sensitive topics? Discuss.

I believe that we watched that 30 rock episode, mainly because it brings up the racism and prejudice that we have today in a humoristic way. Because of the media, we find it easy to judge people by the way they look, their religion or how they dress.  We find it far too easy to think that a person that is different is a bad person. For example in the episode, the lady delivers a package to her neighbor and see that he’s from the middle east, has some weird things in his apartment, and she starts believing that he’s a terrorist. I think that she’s not alone and we all judge people from time to time. The way this show brings up that topic in a humoristic way, makes it easier for us to place ourselves in that situation, and find out that we often judge people as well.  

b) I think it’s a great way to approach sensitive topics, but it’s more suitable for some topics compared to others.  The racism topic is good to use humor about, mainly because there’s no reason for someone to be threatened different because of their skin color. Maybe this is a too serious theme to joke about, but bringing it up in different ways could make people think more about it on daily basis. There should be more focus on accepting other people, and especially other religions. This is something that could be easier to accept if we present it with a sense of humor. When your present serious topics you have to be careful, and I think that the younger generations should be the targets here. On the other hand, many people will react when we’re joking around sensitive topics, and that is something that we should avoid.
So, presenting serious topics with humor can be a good way to do it, but it’s important that it doesn’t cross the line, and that we keep away from topics that should be handled in a serious and formal way.

lørdag 10. mars 2012

Oppgåve D

I dag skulle vere den store dagen. I dag skulle babyen bli født. På sjukehuset var det ei spent stemning idet det unge paret kom. Mora hadde ikkje følt seg så bra i det siste, og frykta at noko kunne vere galt med barnet deira. Dei gjekk inn for å få den fyste undersøkinga overstått. Dei skjønte det allereie då, i det ansiktutrykket på doktoren endra seg drastisk, at noko ikkje var heilt som det skulle. Legen pusta tung og ga dei den forferdelege beskjeden…  Dei så på dei ny innkjøpte barneskoa  og omfamna kvar andre.

In media res
Eit spedbarn har dødd. Det var orda som gjekk rundt på sjukehuset ein kald og dyster haustkveld. Eit ungt par omfamna kvarandre og ein kunne høre hulka frå familien. Regnet hølja ned idet paret gjekk ut med dei nye små barneskoa dei hadde kjøpt. Det var uverkeleg. Dei hadde venta 9 månadar og forberedt alt. Heime sto det eit tomt barnerom, ein tom seng, og ubrukte leikar.  

Oppgåve B

Pizzaen var god. Endeleg var det fredag igjen! Dagen der eg får favorittmaten min. Det er ein perfekt samansetting av ost, oregano og skinke. Kvar gong eg et det frydar smakslaukane mine seg. Det er som om himmel og jord møtast.  Den himmelske følesen ein får kvar gang ein et denne maten. Ein sprø men luftig botn, med tomatsaus, og ein haug med ost og skinke. Kan det bli betre? Denne kvelden var det tid for fredagspizzaen, og eg må seie at den innfridde alle forventingane.

Mikael er svært interessert i musikk:
Kvar dag sit Mikael på rommet sitt og spelar. Ikkje video-spel, men musikk. Fleire timar i strekk, dag etter dag. Om det ikkje er gitarlydar som kommer ut så er det piano eller munnspel. Eg trur ikkje han bryr seg om noko anna lenger.  Musikken har blitt ein så stor del av livet hans at familien kjem i andre rekke. Alt han snakkar om er den kjære musikken hans, og ikkje minst den fine gitaren, som kanskje er det viktigaste han har. Eg er sikker på at han ein gong skal bli ein musikar.

torsdag 8. mars 2012

Oppgåve A

OPPGÅVE A: Skriv eit blogginnlegg der du forstørrar éit av følgjande to augeblikk:
Augeblikk 1: Du sit på bussen på veg heim frå skulen ein ettermiddag. Du er trøytt etter ein slitsam dag på skulen, og du ynskjer at det skal vere stille rundt deg. Men så kjem to eldre damer på, og set seg på seta rett bak deg. Dei er av den særs pratsame sorten.

Det hadde vore ein av dei verre dagane på skulen. Mas frå alt og alle. Hovudet mitt kjentes ut som om det skulle eksplodere. Eg tok dei tunge skritta mot busshaldeplassen, og alt eg tenkte på var å komme meg heim og få fred rundt meg. Det låg an til å bli ein stille og behageleg busstur. Eg sat med hovudet lent bakover og lukka auga, idet det kom to gamle damer på bussen og sat seg rett bak meg. «Eg tek meg ein høneblund,» tenkte eg og lukka auga. Men det gjekk ikkje meir enn to sekund før dei gamle kjerringane begynte å snakke. Og dei snakka og snakka. Eg kjende raseriet boble, og stemmene deira blei berre høgare og høgare. Dei lo og skreik. «Kvifor akkurat i dag?» tenkte eg. Eg som var så sliten… Gjennom heile bussturen snakka dei som om dei var på ein rocke-konsert. Eg hadde så lyst til å snu meg å be dei om å være stille, men dei var jo berre to gamle damer og eg vil jo ikkje vere uhøfleg. Eg lukka auga og heldt for øra. Då eg endelig kom heim la eg meg i senga og sov til middag.

tirsdag 14. februar 2012

What did you find most interesting in the book?

What I found most interesting in the book called The Curious Incident of The Dog In The Nigh Time. Well, the way Christopher’s thinking at any situation on daily basis. What we do without even thinking could be a difficult task for a person with Asperger’s syndrome or any other similar disease.
It always makes me thinking, when I read books like that, or even just hear about someone that has to go through a life like that. Of course Christopher had e decent good life, even though his disease slowed him down at some places. Another interesting part of the book was when his parents tried to make him understand that they loved him, but was unable to most of the time, mostly because Christopher didn’t apply thing that we often relate with loving, like giving hugs etc. It seemed like they found their ways to make him happy after all, but I believe that it took some years.

I think that people like Christopher needs understanding and compassion.  I want to bring in an example from the book, when Christopher was in public and at the underground. He was having a hard time and everything was difficult for him, but people kept on staring at him and I remember him describing some people calling him mean things. This made me think about how almost everyone treats people that seems a bit “un normal” in public. I believe that almost everyone would stare at that person, and of course it’s difficult, especially when people like Christopher where their disease doesn’t show on the outside.  Maybe this is what the main purpose of this book was? Giving people some thoughts about how a person with Asperger’s syndrome is thinking. How these people also can be extremely smart, or good at specific things, is also something I find interesting. The way Christopher, who clearly is missing some social antennas, is extremely good at maths.

What did you find most interesting in the book?

What I found most interesting in the book called The Curious Incident of The Dog In The Nigh Time. Well, the way Christopher’s thinking at any situation on daily basis. What we do without even thinking could be a difficult task for a person with Asperger’s syndrome or any other similar disease.
It always makes me thinking, when I read books like that, or even just hear about someone that has to go through a life like that. Of course Christopher had e decent good life, even though his disease slowed him down at some places. Another interesting part of the book was when his parents tried to make him understand that they loved him, but was unable to most of the time, mostly because Christopher didn’t apply thing that we often relate with loving, like giving hugs etc. It seemed like they found their ways to make him happy after all, but I believe that it took some years.

I think that people like Christopher needs understanding and compassion.  I want to bring in an example from the book, when Christopher was in public and at the underground. He was having a hard time and everything was difficult for him, but people kept on staring at him and I remember him describing some people calling him mean things. This made me think about how almost everyone treats people that seems a bit “un normal” in public. I believe that almost everyone would stare at that person, and of course it’s difficult, especially when people like Christopher where their disease doesn’t show on the outside.  Maybe this is what the main purpose of this book was? Giving people some thoughts about how a person with Asperger’s syndrome is thinking. How these people also can be extremely smart, or good at specific things, is also something I find interesting. The way Christopher, who clearly is missing some social antennas, is extremely good at maths.

mandag 13. februar 2012

My favourite sports moment!

As a Liverpool fan, there’s no doubt the greatest moment as I experienced. Maybe you’ve already made a guess, and without any doubt it’s the Champions League final in Istanbul 2005. To start off, Liverpool was considered as underdogs this year, but somehow they made it to the final. They were going to play against AC Milan which was the best team in the world at that time. I could feel the tension as the two teams entered the field. This is it! The greatest football match, to decide which team that will be considered as the best in the world. And tonight it could be Liverpool lifting that longed for trophy. To achieve that trophy is maybe the biggest dream a player can have.

Me and my dad had gathered up with some friends and we were going to watch the game together. I was not a huge Liverpool fan at the moment, but when I look back I believe that I became a sworn fan after that incredible game. As the referee blew his whistle you could already see that AC Milan was going to give Liverpool a hard match. And after only 50 seconds Milan scored a goal.. It was unbelievable. Liverpool tried their best but AC Milan was to strong.  Right before half time Milan scored two more goals, and the nightmare was a reality. 3-0, to win that game against the best team in the world, seemed like an impossible task for Liverpool now… but wait and see!

You would believe that the 40000 Liverpool fans inside the stadium would be sad, but instead they stood up and sung Liverpool’s amazing song called You’ll Never Walk Alone. John Arne Riise who played for Liverpool described it like this: Even though we were sitting in the wardrobe, the sound of our fans singing got to us. And as we heard it you could see the face expressions on the players faces change drastically. It was like they all got a new hope, like they believed that this was possible, and they went out on the pitch with an attitude better than ever.

Liverpool kept on pressing for more goals, and just after 54. Minutes Steven Gerrard scores the 3-1 goal. After 56. Minutes they scored another one, and what seemed impossible just 5 minutes ago, was now a possibility. In the 60th minute of the game Liverpool got a penalty. Alonso took it and missed, but he scored on the second bounce! Suddenly it was 3-3 and Liverpool had gotten back and was now tie in the Champions League final after conceding 3 goals in the first half. It was a miracle, but could they go all the way and win the game?
It was tie after extra time, and both teams stepped up to take the penalty shootout.
As Shevchenko stepped up to take the crucial penalty, 40 000 Liverpool fans were holding their breath in Istanbul, hundreds of thousands were holding their breath back at Merseyside. And he missed! Liverpool had won the Champions League after a miraculous comeback! It was unbelievable and clearly my best sports moment.

Here's a link to a great video made of this game, you should watch it!

lørdag 7. januar 2012

Oversetting av ein engelsk song

My life is brilliant.   
My love is pure.
I saw an angel.
Of that I'm sure.
She smiled at me on the subway.
She was with another man.
But I won't lose no sleep on that,
'Cause I've got a plan.

You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.
mitt liv er vedunderleg

Min kjærleik er rein
Eg såg ein engel
På det er eg sikkar
Ho smilte til meg på t-banen
ho var med ein anna mann
Men eg skal ikkje ligge vaken for det,
For eg har ein plan

Du er vedunderleg. Du er vedunderleg
Du er vedunderleg, det er sant
Eg såg deg, i eit folksamt stad
Å eg veit ikkje kva eg skal gjere
For eg kommer aldri til å bli saman med deg