onsdag 23. november 2011



Her ser vi først hvordan det er brukt komposisjon og satt sammen hendene som da er i forgrunnen med oss to som er i bakgrunnen til et bilde.
Jeg mener at bildet er et portrett, til tross for de to hendene i front som da former et hjerte. Bildet viser samhold og vennskap ved at vi plasserte ansiktene våre innenfor hjertet.
Bildet er i Normalperspektiv, og et nærbilde der vi kun viser ansikt og litt av overkroppen, og ansiktsutrykk kommer tydelig fram.
Vi kan også nesten si at vi har en balanserende trekant, med tanke på at hjertet ikke ble så bra..

Noe annet vi kan vise i bildet her er hvordan da en person fra Malvik ( såkalt bonde) og en person fra Trondheim (såkalt byfis) kan være venner, uten å tenke på sin opprinnelse.

søndag 23. oktober 2011

Going home!

Today I’m so sad, because I’m going home to cold Norway. To be honest I don’t want to leave this beautiful country for anything in the world. I obviously didn’t win the show, because then I would move to Singapore and become a millionaire. But I had a great time joining such a big show, and I learned so much that I will bring with me for the rest of my life. Since it’s my last day I can’t to do anything that I can to see the rest this country can offer. I found out that a safari would be great, and I ordered it right away. It was amazing, I saw zebras, tigers and everything. I’m so excited, even though I don’t want to leave I think it will be pretty nice to return home.

I can’t believe all the new impressions and all the amazing thing I’ve done during this trip.  The entire trip were just amazing. I will recommend everyone to go to Singapore and have the time of their life.

The second day

I woke up really early, not surprisingly considering that I flew across the world yesterday. Today is a big day; I will finally go to the studio and meet one of the biggest business men of India.  I took a taxi trough the town, and he gave me a personal guiding tour. It was so nice that I gave him enough tips to buy a house here in Singapore.  At the meeting for Angel’s gate I was surprised over the high standards everyone had.  I think gap the gap between the rich and the poor is pretty big in Singapore. Or at least that is what I interpret after my little sightseeing. Singapore has these big business areas where rich people live, but outside the big cities there are mostly just residential areas where the houses and apartments is a bit under the normal standards.

The show will be filmed the next couple of days, and I don’t think I will be writing too much during that.   

 here’s the link to the trailer of the show ;) 

The first day

 I knew that it would be a descent long flight, so I bought brochures that I could read on the plane. All the interesting facts about Singapore surprised me!
Singapore was an important trading place during the early 1800 and from then on they have always been. 
Singapore was under British Empire until 1963, but now of course, they’re independent. I liked the flag and what it represented.  The flag symbolize that everybody is the same, and everybody is equal.

Here's the flag

Singapore is, believe it or not, 63 islands who represents the country. Singapore Island is the main Island, and the island I will be travelling to.  The culture in Singapore is very characterized by religion, and a lot of buildings are built for different religions. In general Singapore is a pretty modern country and this is shown by great architecture and modern buildings.

Finally I arrived in this exotic, but beautiful country! I’m so exhausted, that I won’t be writing anymore today.

The first letter

FInally I recived the letter I had been waiting for so long! It was from Angel’s Gate, A show that is about to be aired in Singapore. I’m so excited! The show is about entrepreneurs, and you get 60 seconds to impress some of the most successful investors in Asia. I got contacted by a Norwegian entrepreneur called William Klippgen who also is the host of the show. I will be leaving very soon, and I will clearly spend the next couple of days reading some facts about Singapore and find out what to do in that exotic country.

I went straight to the computer and ordered tickets for the plane to Singapore. I was so happy I even ordered first class.  

  My plane!

lørdag 22. oktober 2011

Pc'en min

Det er en svart pc, fra merket lenovo. Det opererer etter et såkalt thinkPad system, er en knakende god pc. Dette er skolepc’en elever ved thora storm videregående skoler får utdelt til å bruke til skolearbeid.  Videre så et pc’en utstyrt med mange kule tilleggs egenskaper og slike standard programmer som blant annet word og powerpoint.

Pc’en lå der, kald og søvnig etter en lang dag, med mange nye fingrer og stemmer. Den var på vei til å gå i dvale, idet noen kalde hender grep tak om den. Den ble løftet høyt i været og kastet fra side til side. Den kjente seg hjelpeløs og redd i det han kjente to nye, men mye mindre hender tok et svakt grep om den matte overflaten.  «Dette må være slutten,» var tankene som svirret rundt i hodet på den nervøse pc’en. Plutselig kjente han at de to små kalde hendene forsvant og den suste ned mot bakken i en faretruende fart. Den gikk i bakken i med et knas, og bitene løsnet en etter en…Pc’en kjente en kald følelse bre seg om den, før den sluknet for siste gang.

onsdag 28. september 2011

About the butterflies

I find this literary analysis very good, bacause it says something on every aspect of the short story. I think the author makes the text very tidy in the way he/she uses each paragraf to focus on one specific theme. It makes the analysis easy to read and attach to the text. I learned alot about writing analysis after reading this. I used it very much when I was preparing for the writing. This is an extrordinary good example of how it should be done, without making it too complicated.


Når man skal argumentere er det ekstremt viktig med holdbare argument, og å få gjennom det man vil si på en kort og konkret måte. Man bør alltid ha tenkt gjennom det man skal si slik at man slipper å møte sterke motargument. Å argumentere godt for en sak er en viktig egenskap som man kan komme seg langt med. Argumentasjon er det å begrunne hvorfor en annens persons påstander er gale, og det er viktig med saklige og gode argumenter for å klare akkurat dette.

Mislykket kommunikasjon i "Få meg på for faen!"

Det var en del mislykket kommunikasjon i filmen få meg på for faen. For det første så er ikke måten å få kontakt med en jente ved å stikke pikken din på låret hennes. Videre så var det feil av Alma å si d videre på den måten hun gjorde i tilfellet målet med hendelsen var at han ville vise at han villa ha kontakt. Skaperne har også gjort feil ved at man blir ikke utsatt for utfrysning ved å si noe så "uviktig". 
Mellom moren til Alma og Alma var kanskje der det var mest mislykket kommunikasjon. Forholdet dems bestod for det meste av hemmeligheter, krangling og pinlig taushet. Noen burde også ha hjulpet Alma da hun hadde det vanskeligst.

Blood Diamond

I find blood Diamond brutal but extremely good. It a kind of movie that seems kind of rough, but what it shows is acctually reality for some people in the world. It's hard to realise, and I get really sad and thoghtfull after watching a movie like this. I think that the actors played extremely well in this film and that's also something that made this film so good. I think that what the film is based on, and what all the wars that's going on because of the conflict diamonds is greed. Because everything that happens is based on that someone wants all the diamonds they can get, and will do anything to get them. I think that I will think twice before buying a diamond, or at least get a sertificate or something that proves that the diamond isn't from the conflict areas in Africa.

After seeing a film like this, you will definetly be moved or touched, and I think it's important that films like this is made, so we can get a view of how other peoples life situations may be.

søndag 25. september 2011


Well, after alot of trouble with the tecnical stuff, I can finally write my first post.
I'm a 16 years old boy, who lives in the bellybutton of Norway, Trondheim. I love being with friends and playing football. I also play guitar and have been doing that for 4 years now. I like watching football as much as playing it, and my favourite team if of course Liverpool. I go to Adolf Øien, at the entrepreneur line, and I'm happy with that.